Pitch Your Peers, Inc. (PYP, pronounced “pipe”) is a fully tax-exempt, grant-giving charitable organization that started in the town of Greenwich, Connecticut in 2016. PYP Seattle was started in 2017 to serve the greater Seattle area defined as King County, Washington and is PYP’s first official chapter. PYP Chicago launched in 2020.
Our mission is to engage women in philanthropy and to collectively fund grants to charitable initiatives that serve this region. The goal is to identify unmet needs in the community and provide grants to nonprofits for impactful change in King County. We are committed to promoting volunteerism by exposing our Membership to many local worthwhile charities. We help our Members become more educated and informed about philanthropic choices and meet women who share their interest in local philanthropy.
The major difference between PYP and other grant-funding organizations, is that we get the chance to pitch one another to steer the money to our own passion projects. It’s like Shark Tank…for charity. Bring your A-game and you could be handing your charity a MAJOR gift. PYP gives back to the community while simultaneously enriching its own membership’s skill set. We are all women who either still work or used to work in high-pressure environments where giving a great pitch was everything. PYP allows us to put those skills to work for great, local causes. By pitching, you get the word out about your passion project with more than a soundbite, to a captive, discerning audience. With PYP even if you pitch and lose…you win.
Membership to PYP Seattle is by invitation only and is currently limited to 65 women. We collect annual dues in the amount of $1,000 per member (or more if members choose to donate more), pool the dollars and give at least one grant annually. 100% of the dues will be awarded as grants to local nonprofits and our members will collectively determine how our grant pool is divided. We ask that members also contribute a donation of $150 to help cover our expenses.
Pitch a charity or be pitched to…that’s your choice. As a member of Pitch Your Peers, you’ll be doing good and giving back alongside other amazing, inspirational women. Together, we can do more.