Robyn Hsu

Robyn Hsu

Originally from San Diego, CA, Robyn grew up going to the beach, playing softball, tennis and golf and still enjoys those hobbies today.  Even though Robyn was raised in California, she really associates home as Hawaii, where both her parents are from. ...
Mwa Hungwe

Mwa Hungwe

Mwa Hungwe was born in Zimbabwe as part of a loving close knit family. She migrated to the United States in her late teens and has since called it home. She and her family recently moved to Washington State and settled in Mercer Island. Mwa has supported the...
Michele Janes

Michele Janes

Michele grew up in the Bay Area and Texas, and has called the pacific northwest home since 2007. She moved to Mercer Island in 2013 with her husband and two children.  Michele is a Senior Vice President at Visa Inc. where she frequently commutes to San...
Kimberly Kamolz

Kimberly Kamolz

Kimberly Kamolz grew up in Minnesota. She holds a B.S. in agricultural education from the University of Minnesota and a M.A. in Organizational Communications from Washington State University. Kim has extensive experience as a program, product, and project leader...
Elizabeth Kaplan

Elizabeth Kaplan

Elizabeth grew up on Mercer Island, WA. After graduating from Stanford University with a B.A. in Human Biology, she worked with midwives in Kentucky and at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Breast Care Center before deciding to pursue a career in...
Helen Kelly

Helen Kelly

Helen Kelly moved to Mercer Island in 2012 from the San Francisco Bay Area. She was born in Boston, MA and has lived in Germany and Switzerland (as a young child), Phoenix, San Diego, Japan, Los Angeles, and various locations in and near San Francisco. She went...